Donate to Tahoe Elementary
Your support means more than you may know. Every dollar donated to Tahoe Elementary PTA (a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization) or brought in during an event is given back in the form of arts and music education, gardening experiences, field trips, inspiration around campus, and more - things that would not be available to our students otherwise. The advancement of every student is our goal, and we can't do it without you.
Donations can be made by giving a flat amount or giving to a specific program or fund through the Tahoe PTA Square Online Store or by clicking a link above. All donations are tax-deductible. You can also purchase classroom materials from Teacher Wishlists linked below, and have them shipped to your home or to the school.
Thank you for any way you choose to give! It is very much appreciated.
Donations can be made by giving a flat amount or giving to a specific program or fund through the Tahoe PTA Square Online Store or by clicking a link above. All donations are tax-deductible. You can also purchase classroom materials from Teacher Wishlists linked below, and have them shipped to your home or to the school.
Thank you for any way you choose to give! It is very much appreciated.
Visit LinkHub for Teacher, Class & Program Wishlists, Staff Favorites & More
If you do not see your child's teacher listed, feel free to ask them if there are items you can contribute to support their classroom. Teachers are often too humble to ask and end up spending their own money on materials and supplies.
Consider donating reams of copy paper, pencils, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, facial tissue or sports balls.
Consider donating reams of copy paper, pencils, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, facial tissue or sports balls.